Category: Projects
The Patay Gutom key chains are finally here!
Yehey! The Patay Gutom Key chains are finally here! WohooOoo! Yes! Asteeegggg!!! A lot can’t believe and a lot were asking repeatedly that if this is for real. Yes guys, it’s real, it’s very real! I can even hold it with my bare hands! Woooot!
Unboxing the Awesome Patay Gutom Mugs
The picture above is not a Photoshop version of Patay Gutom mugs anymore. It’s super real! As in very very real! The long wait is over! The most awaited Patay Gutom mugs are finally here! Please join me as we unbox the magical Patay Gutom mugs!
Patay Gutom Mugs
Friends and countrymen! Hear ye, hear ye! I come in peace and I bring you good tidings. It is my honor to introduce to you the latest innovation from Patay Gutom. What you can see above is the preview of our future oh-so-awesome project called “The Patay Gutom Mugs”. The Patay Gutom mugs are black […]
Patay Gutom Calling Cards Now Available!
Patay Gutom Calling Cards are now available! You can have this oh-so-awesome business card for free if you meet one of the Patay Gutom respondents during blogger events, food trips, and other special events in Manila, Davao, Cebu, United States, and around the world!