Digital Filipino Best Food Website Award Goes to…

To??? Of course… to Patay Gutom! To us! To all Patay Gutoms around the world! If you’re Dead Hungry, then this website and this award is for you! Congratulations to all Patay Gutoms! We won in the 2009 Digital Filipino Web Awards Best Food Website Category! Isn’t it awesome?!?! Yeah! I bet it’s super awesome!

Congratulations to us! Yipeee! Special thanks to Madelin M. Galvez for nominating us! So what’s the reason behind this nomination? Why did Madelin nominated Patay Gutom? This was her answer:

What makes this website outstanding? Because they feature different food trips they (Patay Gutom bloggers) experienced as they roam around the Philippines. They as well indicate the price of the featured food as well as the taste as much as possible.

Thanks Madeline! You really made us happy and super happy! Hehe…

Congratulations also to our fellow Patay Gutom respondents for winning an award in the Digital Filipino web awards. Congrats to My Brute Cheats and Flair Candy. Woooooooot!


15 responses to “Digital Filipino Best Food Website Award Goes to…”

  1. Maki Avatar

    Go PG! Thanks Madelin! ^_^!!!!

  2. Aethen Avatar

    Congrats mga PG!

  3. reyjr Avatar


    Congratulations mga ka PG hehe!

    Thanks Madz! You’re awesum.

  4. reyjr Avatar

    By the way, here is Madz’ blog: My Unrevealed Thoughts

    Thanks for the nom Madz!

  5. Winston Avatar

    weeeee… sayang di ako nakapunta. hehehe 😀

  6. micamyx Avatar

    Yey congrats PG! Woooooot!

  7. JayL Avatar

    congrats! mga patay gutom

  8. Tyrone | Millionaire Acts Avatar

    Congratuations PG! And congrats Jehz!

  9. Raph the Search Engine Optimization Specialist Avatar

    Congratuations.Although the blog name is weird and funny but I like the concept.

  10. jehzlau Avatar

    @Reyjr wow paano mo na trace blog nya? Di ko nahanap eh.. hehehhe.. kaya nilink ko nalang yung digital filipino nomination page. hahaha 😀

  11. orville barba Avatar

    you deserve PG.. ganda ng pangalan ng site mo…

  12. Julius | AffiliateRocks Avatar

    Congrats PG! talaga namang ang sasarap ng mga pagkain d2 🙂

  13. reyjr Avatar

    @jehzlau – she’s a blogger friend of mine. 😀

  14. […] card. 12. Patay Gutom was included in the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2009 and won as the Best Food Website in the Digital Filipino Web Awards. 13. My Brute Cheats won as the best Gaming Website in the Digital Filipino Web Awards [I will add […]

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